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Interview | Vyperr

July 04, 2024 10 min read

“people used to listen to my music because they were already followers, now I'm reaching people who know me just for the music”:Vyperr talks swapping social media stardom for the charts


Fresh from the success of chart juggernaut “SUPERSÓNICO”, the star is continuing to conquer the music industry one viral hit at a time.




Words Zoel Hernández

An intoxicating whirl of sensations, where time bends and the mundane metamorphoses into the extraordinary. A palpable energy electrifies the air with every beat pulsing through your veins, inviting you to lose yourself in the dance of the night. That’s the essence of San Juan, the Spanish festival celebrated on beaches around the country on the eve of midsummer, replete with sparklers, bonfires, drinks and music – a night of irrepressible fun that 22-year-old Vyperr drew on as the inspiration for latest hit “SUPERSÓNICO”.

The kinetic, two-and-a-half minute-long induction into the electro-pop sphere has supercharged his musical ascent, the latest symbol of a period of transition the star, otherwise known as Víctor Peréz, has been undergoing as he steers away from his status as mainstay TikTok star to fully-fledged recording artist. “Being a TikTok-er, [initially] harmed me more than it’s helped me,” he says. He originally found himself pigeonholed based on his existing online identity, releasing music that didn’t resonate with him and facing hostility from fans who could see through it.

Following a fresh start, with a name change to his current moniker, plus the unyielding support of a close circle of family, friends and mentors to guide him through early encounters with the music industry’s pitfalls – Vyperr now boasts airtight foundations for a promising musical career. The numbers speak for themselves – there’s 109k monthly Spotify listeners hooked on his every release, “SUPERSÓNICO” recently hit number six on Italy’s viral chart, and with uncontainable ambition for global domination, the hits look set to keep flowing – starting with new single "CRUSHHH", out today.

Below, Vyperr talks new music, superstitions, facing hate and the challenges of starting a music career as a TikTok star.



Hey, Victor! How is your day going?
Very well, actually. I just came back from the gym. Today is a rest day for me, which is great because I have a tough week ahead since I'm going to Milan Fashion Week. I'm very happy and excited.


Where does your stage name Vyperr come from?
I remember we were in the United States and wanted to go with my actual name, Víctor Pérez, but we also wanted to move past the tough time I had with music, which was kind of associated with it. That's why we went with Vyperr. We were buying clothes for my music video – imagine, we were a week away from the video shoot and still didn't have a stage name – and the shop assistant pronounced my name terribly. We realised that if we wanted to become more international and reach more people, we needed to come up with something else. We combined the initials of Víctor and Pérez, added a Y for aesthetics, and the double R to make it sound stronger. Now, many Spanish people can't pronounce it, which is ironic. We might need to put the correct pronunciation in interviews! *laughs*

You released your first single last summer, which is not that long ago. How has the world of music treated you so far?

It's a complicated and frustrating world, especially when you come from a social media background because people tend to pigeonhole you. But step by step, by doing things right, people are recognising the work we’ve done, and honestly, I'm very happy.


Do you think being a TikTok-er has helped or harmed you as an artist?
At first, it harmed me more than it helped, mainly because what I released in the beginning was a way to give the haters what they wanted. I made music that didn't resonate with me, and the image I was presenting to my followers didn’t represent me. So I understand why people had negative comments back then, but now, out of 500 comments, only two are bad. People are seeing the work and effort we’ve put in, the quality of the songs, the videos and the overall image and have accepted it all.


Since you started, what has surprised you the most?
Well, like I said, people are reacting really well. They like the project a lot and with this latest song “SUPERSÓNICO”, which is super upbeat and more summery, people seem to be loving it. It's number six out of 50 on the Most Viral Songs chart in Italy. It's also viral on TikTok, and I'm very happy and quite surprised that it's happening especially in Italy. It’s really surprising.


Trousers VALENTINO, vest LOEWE, gloves ALABAMA BLONDE, necklace NORITAMY

Could you not foresee success with this track?
Honestly, I didn't expect it at all. I knew the song was cool and that people would like it, but coming from social media, it's still hard for people to take me seriously, especially in Spain. But the song is very summery and talks about the night of San Juan, and I think it deserves the attention it's getting. People are starting to use it on social media now. I've seen people in Italy dancing to it, and this week the sound is starting to be used on Spanish TikTok. I'm very happy because people used to listen to my music because they were already followers, and now I'm managing to reach people who know me just for the music.


How would you define your music? What genre would you classify it as?
Honestly, I've been trying out different things. I'm at the beginning of my career and I want to offer people what they like, not just what I like. The latest hit I just released is more electro-pop, and everything coming out this summer until September will be in the same style. I'll be releasing songs every month, so get ready for them.


How do you want your music to evolve?
I want it to be heard internationally and, of course, to be listened to in all countries. I would love to reach Latin America since I love the audience there and also continue growing in my country, Spain, as well as in Italy, where I'm getting the most support right now.


What is the story behind, “SUPERSÓNICO”?
To be honest, all my recent songs have had a story behind them, some more personal and real than others, especially with “MONTERREY” and “DEULE”. But with “SUPERSÓNICO”, we wanted to create a super summery sound, and it was more about imagining being at a party on the night of San Juan rather than looking for a deeper message. It's not that something happened to me that inspired it. It even says, "I'm not superstitious" and I am very superstitious, so it doesn't have much to do with me personally.



When it comes to superstitions – what rituals do you usually follow?
When I used to play football, I was even more superstitious. Before going onto the field, I always stepped out with my right foot. If I played well and had eaten pasta before the game, I would eat pasta again before the next one. I also paid a lot of attention to the underwear I was wearing. Now in the studio, I always keep my wallet in my left pocket with two crystals my mother gave me, which are said to bring good luck. I also wear two rings – one belonged to my grandfather, and the other contains my grandfather's ashes which I can't take off for anything in the world. When I'm about to do something important, or even get on a plane, I give it six kisses because six was my grandfather's favourite number. There might be more, but it depends on how I feel at that moment.


What is your songwriting process like?
I always like to compose with other people because, obviously, they have more experience than I do and I like to hear various ideas and opinions. Normally, we start with the lyrics and then move on to the melody, although it depends on the day. With “SUPERSÓNICO”, Mechi, the girl I write with, came up with that word already in mind, so we focused on it for the lyrics.


How important have your family and friends been in what you do?
Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now, in general. But when it comes to music, their support is also essential. It's a career that can be quite frustrating. I'm having a lot of fun, but I’ve had bad times due to poor decisions I made in the past, and the label of “influencer” or “TikTok-er” doesn't help. But, honestly, the support of my family and friends, and also my fans, helps me a lot.


Is there any figure in your family who has especially influenced you?
My grandfather. He didn't get to see any of what I'm doing now; he only saw the football stage, but I know that wherever he is, he's watching and helping me. My mother, my manager and my brother also play a crucial role in my music career.


Do you have any collaborations on the horizon? Who would be your dream collaborator?
I would love to collaborate with Mike Towers, I always say that. Or Faye or Ryan Castro, a Colombian artist. I listen to a lot of music and love all these artists; there's no one whose music I don't like.


Trousers LOEWE, blouse DOLCE & GABBANA, coat EVERYDAY LORDS, harness AMIRI, rings RAT BETTY, boots SAINT LAURENT

You’re also an actor, with roles in series like La Reina del Sur and Tú no eres especial. What draws you to the world of acting?
I've always been interested but never dared to try. I haven't studied music or acting, but I got an audition and went for it. With Tú no eres especial, which was a more prominent role, people think I got it because I have a lot of followers, but that wasn't the case. I went through months of auditions, travelling to Madrid like anyone else who studied acting. I went through the whole process and got the part. I worked hard and studied that script and it went quite well. I felt comfortable in a field that wasn't mine. I tried to give it my all because I know there are people who have studied for years and would love to be in that position. I wanted to be up to the standard.


Do you see yourself taking on another role in the future?
If it's a lead role, yes. I'm focused on music, but I would love to keep auditioning.


Your growth on social media happened almost overnight. How was that moment for you?
I never sought to grow on social media because my world [prior] was football. When I quit, I decided to dive into this world completely, keeping it all football-themed. It was quite difficult for me and it happened by chance. I remember one of my best friends asked to take some photos of me for a project. I posted all of that content and gained many followers. At that time, Instagram was like TikTok – the more content you posted, the more viral you became. There was also a veryfamous account with millions of followers that always featured me and tagged me. That's where my followers came from until I joined TikTok and moved to Mexico, where I gained a huge number of followers. That was the real takeoff.


Why did you quit football?
I had an injury, but I didn't quit football because of it. I even signed with Girona FC while injured, where I spent a year and a half. Then I joined CF Damm until I left, mainly because of my mental health. My grandfather passed away, my parents separated and my first love ended. Everything piled up and it was tough. I had worked hard to be where I was and didn't think it through, but everything happens for a reason. Now I'm here and although my dream was football, music has always been my hobby anyway.


What is the best and worst part of having so much visibility and exposure?
I handle it quite well, to be honest. It's true that, at the beginning, when I started, I was under everyone's eyes and wasn’t used to getting hate. But I soon learned to avoid reading those messages and ignore what people say. Obviously, you have to be careful with everything you do and say because you're in the spotlight. Now I've grown too, and so has my audience, and people see the work behind everything, so I don’t get much hate anymore. When I kicked off my music career, I got a lot of hate that eventually went away. And, I no longer mind reading a few negative comments here and there.


Neck tie UNCUFFED LEATHER, silver rings RAT BETTY, gold rings NORITAMY

Have you ever considered stepping away from social media?
For now, I don't. Mainly because I really like fashion, which is closely related to the world of music. Also, I'm funding all my music, productions, mastering, videos and basically, everything involved in music thanks to social media. I need to do campaigns to pay for it all and keep producing music to achieve my dream. It's just my manager and I against the world after all.


A glance at your Instagram is enough to notice all your tattoos. Are you planning on getting a new one soon?
For now, I don't want to get more tattoos because I've already suffered enough. But maybe I would like to get something small on my leg or back. However, I've also been thinking about removing some of them lately, probably because I see them every day in the mirror. I don't get tired of the ones on my back or arms because I don't see them that often. But the ones I see every day at the gym, I get tired of. The ones dedicated to my grandparents and all the meaningful ones on my arms will always stay, though.


Do you have a favourite tattoo?
Yes, the portraits of my grandparents on my chest are my favourites.


Photography Richie Lee Davis
Styling Tiffany Briseno
Grooming Cameron Rains

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